Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

This has been the best Christmas Eve ever!

The day started with the kids helping to wrap and tag all of the took a long while, but we did get it done amid the chaos. Then we sorted all of the cookies into gift tins and the girls made their carol lists.

We ventured out for a new experience to see a live nativity story at Timothy Eaton Memorial church and were totally awed by the experience. It was so's toally what Christmas is all about. The girls loved it - especially the camel, donkey, and goats! Baby Jesus was real too!

Afterwards we went caroling at different houses and gave our cookie tins to share our baking. The reactions were outstanding. Jamie, our neighbour, said it was the first time anyone had ever caroled for him....Helen's house welcomed us as the entertainers of the night! WE sang quite a few songs and the girls really enjoyed the reactions of the people who were very touched by the singing in English, French, and Greek. Then we went to Elaina Marie's and sang to the Kotsopoulos family....
The feeling was beautiful as the girls said they want to do this every year from now on. The spirit of giving and sharing is firmly in their hearts. It is so beautiful....and their excitement for Christmas is amazing.....

We are very blessed.....

I will have to thank Gail for starting this new tradition in our family!